Monday, December 30, 2019

Difference Between Type 1 Diabetes And Type 2 Diabetes

A very important topic is the difference between Type 1 Diabetes and Type 2 Diabetes, as many are unaware of the differentiation. Type 1 Diabetes mellitus is the auto-immune type where there is an autoimmune destruction of the pancreatic ÃŽ ² cells. Pancreatic ÃŽ ² cells are where insulin is produced. Eventually, this auto-immune destruction leads to a total absence of insulin production. It is not until the pancreas is unable to produce sufficient amounts of insulin that manifestations occur. The manifestations include sudden/recent excessive thirst, hunger, and urination. It is also accompanied by weight loss. In Type 1 DM, exogenous insulin is a requirement for the patient to live (as it is not produced at a certain point) – otherwise the patient will develop DKA, which is life threatening. Type 2 DM is the most common type of diabetes, 90-95% patients have Type 2 DM. In Type 2 DM, the production of insulin isn’t lot, but rather the insulin production is insufficient/poorly utilized by the tissues (or both). In other words, endogenous insulin is present. Type 2 DM is linked to increasing age, obesity/being overweight, and family history of the disorder. In Type 2 DM, there are contributing factors to development: insulin resistance, decreased ability of the pancreas to produce insulin, inappropriate glucose production by the liver, and altered production of hormones and cytokines by adipose tissue (adipokines). Main Idea #2 Another important topic that must be understoodShow MoreRelatedDiabetes Type 2 Meta Analysis1011 Words   |  5 PagesDiabetes Type 2 meta-analysis Abstract Objective To compare treatment options of type2 diabetes. 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Sunday, December 22, 2019

The Effects Of Occupational Therapy On Enhancing Quality...

The Effects of Occupational Therapy in Enhancing Quality of Life for Individuals With Dementia Dementia is a chronic syndrome that involves a progressive deterioration of brain function and leaves a person to suffer from not only a cognitive decline but physical, emotional, and behavioral changes as well. There are over ten different types of dementia and each cause significant changes in the make up of the brain and the brain function. Those changes include deposits of protein that form plaques, twisted strands of protein that form tangles, blood vessel blockages, fluid build up, and Thiamine deficiency. The two most common forms of dementia are Alzheimer’s disease, which accounts for an estimated 60 percent to 80 percent of cases, and†¦show more content†¦However, true dementia affects more than just short term memory and recall, this syndrome progressively debilitates every aspect of their life and ultimately alters the quality of life in which they live. Typical s igns and symptoms of dementia are memory loss, impaired judgement, difficulty with abstract thinking, inappropriate behavior, loss of communication skills, disorientation to time and place, neglect of personal care and safety, paranoia, and agitation. Family members and friends of those bothered with dementia are also challenged as their loved ones ability to function throughout activities of daily living and do so safely is compromised. Six drugs have been approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration that temporarily improve symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease by increasing the amount of chemical neurotransmitters in the brain. The effectiveness of these drugs varies from person to person. While these drugs cannot cure dementia or repair brain damage, they may improve symptoms and create a better quality of life as the disease progresses. Non-pharmacologic therapies are often used with the goal of maintaining or improving cognitive function, the ability to perform instrumen tal activities of daily living, or overall quality of life. They also may be used with the goal of reducing behavioral symptoms such as depression, paranoia, apathy, wandering, sleep disturbances, agitation and aggression (2015). How is occupational therapy used to

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Time Bank Free Essays

Time bank is a unique organisation that holds vast amount of knowledge and skills belonging to its customer. The way time bank operates is by allowing individuals to exchange their knowledge, skills with others. The concept of the Time Bank is based on the fact that people are all individually different, we all have different types of knowledge and we all have different set of skills, no one is good at everything, the typical situation is that we only have the capacity to be good at certain things and not all things. We will write a custom essay sample on Time Bank or any similar topic only for you Order Now In a world without Time Bank, we have to pay for things we can’t do, for example I am not an expert with computers, if my computer breaks down then I would have to pay for someone to fix it. However, with the existence of Time Bank, I can exchange a skill which I am good at for someone else’s help with the repair of my computer. To illustrate this example more specifically, If a member of the Time Bank has spent two hours repairing my computer then that person would have banked two hours worth of time with the Bank, in another word, that person will have two hours worth of credit. When that person needs help with something he has difficulty with, he is entitled to two hours free help from another individual. So individuals can build up their credit by helping others with things that they are good at. This way, people can save time and money in dealing with difficult tasks. It is clear that Time Bank offers a service that many needs, but no such provider exists in the current market in Colchester. However, as Time Bank is such a new concept promotion of the Bank is vital. Effective promotional method needs to be used to introduce people to this new concept.I shall look into these methods in the rest of this essay, but before doing so, it is important to assess who would use Time Bank, i. e. its target audience. 2. Target Audience: One of the key reason that people will want to use Time Bank will be because that they can save money, from this it follows that Time Bank is unlikely to attract very wealthy individuals. Further, it is likely that only people who can offer knowledge or skill in return will use the Bank, this will mean that the younger and older groups are probably excluded from the target audience, as they are likely to be limited with the help they can offer.So, main target group of Time Bank is likely to be working individuals and possibly students. So, we have to have this in mind when selecting the promotion methods for the Bank. 3. Advertising: Placing adverts on local newspapers, radios and internet, magazines and possibly on television may be a good way to build the awareness of the Bank’s presence. Yellow pages is another idea, however, with the expansion of the internet Yellow pages is not as much used by people as before. So, instead, it may be a better idea to place advert on the internet, for example, Yell Colchester.With newspapers and radios it will be a good idea to place the advert on popular Colchester local papers and local radio stations such as BBC Essex and Heart Essex. In terms of magazines, if possible, it would be a good idea to select magazines that our target audience is most likely to read, something like magazines advising on money matters or D. I. Y. magazines (as it is likely that people who are interested in D. I. Y will find it more enjoyable to exchange their skills and bank their time with the Time Bank). Putting up adverts on the internet is also a good idea, an excellent website to place advert is www. sk. com, as people who go on to ask. com will normally be in the need for some kind of help, so an advert on this website will capture some of our key audiences. It may be a better idea to take advantage of free advertising, such as placing adverts on Gumtree Colchester. Putting up posters in University campus may also be a good idea, students are likely to be a key user of the Time Bank, the reason being that students do not earn any income as a result they are likely to prefer to save money by using the Time Bank.Sponsoring a University newsletter or website is another idea to build awareness in the student market, the sponsorship will enable Time Bank’s logo to appear and be seen by students. In terms of working individuals, it may be a good idea to put up posters in job searching agencies such as Reed, or paying for an advertising space on job searching websites. Distributing leaflets is another possible idea, we could position few leaflet distributors on busy locations in Colchester, such as city centre dur ing busy times such as weekends. 4. Publicity:Publicity is a great way to promote the Time Bank, as most publicity can be done for free and more details of the Time Bank can be exposed compared to the advertising option. Writing articles on topic related to the Time Bank: The Time Bank can write an article relating to saving time and money and try to place it on to publications that our target audience might read, as mentioned before, magazine relating to money matters or D. I. Y. magazines are possible options. To target students it may be a good idea to write articles for school newsletters.However, the problem that we may encounter with this promotion method is that there is no guarantee that the article we write will be accepted and published by our preferred magazines. So, to enhance the chance of our article being published it is a good idea to provide a well written article. Magazines, tends to have a long lead time, writing articles for internet magazines might be a better option, as there are higher demand for articles with internet magazines. Newspaper is another source we can supply our articles to.Newspapers have a much shorter lead time than magazines and they are often looking for materials. So, it may be a good idea looking to writing an article to local Colchester newspapers. Press releases: Sending out press releases to local newspapers is another effective promotional tool. However, the press release must be newsworthy in order for it to be published by local newspapers. The fact that there is no other organisation that is providing the same type of service as the Time Bank will make the press release newsworthy. Online Forums:Posting message on online forums is a cost effective way of promotion. There will be tons of D. I. Y forums, money savings forums, student forums etc on the net, posting messages or answering queries posted by other people will promote the Time Bank. When answering queries, we can post a link of the time bank’s website or/ and explain the workings of the Time Bank in the process of answering. www. Ask. com is another great internet place to get free advertising; free advertising can be gained by answering queries posted by people on the Q amp; A page.Try to get an interview slot on local radio shows: It will be ideal is a interview slot can be secured on either Heart Essex or BBC Essex, as these two stations are quite popular stations it will mean that they will reach out to a wide rage of audience. An interview discussing the how the Time Bank works will not only give Time Bank free advertising but also can enable people a better understanding of what Time Ban is and how it works. And this is important due to the fact that the Time Bank is such a new concept. 5. Conclusion – evaluation of the promotional methods:In the above sections I have discussed many possible promotional methods for the Time Bank. Each method have its pros and cons; advertising on the television, radio, newspapers, internet and magazines are an effective way of reaching a wide audience and is a good way of building brand awareness of Time Bank. But, such way of advertising can be costly. It was mentioned that it is possible to get free advertising from certain websites such as Gumtree Colchester, it is suggested that free advertising offered by websites should be taken full advantage of.I then looked into ways of promotion by gaining free publicity on magazines, local newspapers, local radios and internets. I think that emphasis should be placed on these types of promotion, the reason being that such methods are cost effective and it will enable people to get a better understanding of the Time Bank. Time Bank, being a new thing in the market will mean that careful explanations on the concept and workings will be needed for people to fully understand. With the advertising methods, only limited information can be displayed, but with publicity much more detail can be introduced. So, the best way to promote in my view is to select a few paid advertising methods that can target our key audiences, such as putting a paid advert on ask. com and on yell. Colchester and take advantage of free online advertising as much as possible to build Time Bank’s brand awareness. A big part of the promotion should be based on publicity, efforts should be devoted to try to get articles and press releases published in relevant magazines, and newspapers etc and get interview slots on popular local radio stations such as Heat Essex and BBC Essex. How to cite Time Bank, Essays

Friday, December 6, 2019

Bid Taxi And Their Business Operations Samples †

Question: Discuss about the Bid Taxi Business Operations. Answer: Introduction It is imperative today that all kind of businesses faces their share of complexity especially in establishing an impeccable business operation. The operations of an organization can be never being considered simple or smooth from one point to another. It is important that the companies treat the operations as an important web of procedures (Xiong, Cheng Gui, 2017). Such procedures can be termed as the business operation and every company treats it in a different manner. The report will discuss in detail about Bid Taxi and their unique business operations. Business operations of Bid Taxi The taxi industry is in existence for so many years now and since the government has been always very concerned about the transportation of the city, the industry has been always on rising. Also, with the rise of urbanization, so many areas are developing and getting bigger along with the density of population which increases the traffic issues in cities. The problem has gotten bigger and prominent as well as the disadvantages of taxi management are constantly impacting the overall quality of life and also impact the overall legitimacy of execution. The concept followed by the company comes in two main formats (Putri Kwon, 2017). The first concept is specifically for the customer and there is another exclusive for the driver. The first format is implemented when the consumers get the opportunity to register on the company's app or website. This is done mainly because they can experience the services of the company. In the second format, the entire attention on those consumers who are willing to partner with the company and the important is played by the driver. The format gets drivers and the consumer from a group of people in the public. The company is very unique from the concept point of view since the services are given because of what consumer or buyer hires in terms of the driver for the services. The application of the organization list down the three or four most efficient drivers along with data about the journey as well as information about the journey. The consumer can then accept a specific bid which he or she finds suitable as per their needs. The driver too is provided with all the options to choose or reject the invitation from the customers (Kim, 2015). They also get the option to suggest the overall cost of the trip according to their demand. The company functions on a flexible type of business operation. This makes the organization effective and more efficient in getting more loyal customers. Business operations also help the organization through apps to bid for the trip and for this usage of smartphone become crucial. This can also be done with the help of the website. The app also uses many types of information systems and technologies. Technology like MIS which is called as Management Information system, Expert system and many more. Moreover, many other business operations can also be part of the overall success of the organization. Following is the detailed discussion of all the business operations of the company: - Booking: the first important step of the operations is when the customer will book the cab by using the application or website. This helps the company to allow drivers to the customers. The customer will also select the right bid of the consumers and it consists of the overall cost of the journey along with facility (Ma, 2015). The feature also helps the company to introduce new methods which are in demand in the industry along with boosting the overall growth of the business. Dispatch: this step helps the company to effectively deploy the manual setup of the current allowance. The step makes sure that the customer of the company is able to book the cab and then expect the cab to arrive at the right time. In addition, the allotting the allowance time in the business is crucial since this step is the differentiation point from any other services. Also, the time of allowance is the significant component in the development of demand of the business. Maintenance: the company is extremely flexible and advance as far as technology is concerned. The company also ensure the confidentiality of the customer information as they share some personal details while registration (Pollman Barry, 2016). So, it becomes for the company to manage the information effectively with the help of command software services. The company is also involved in the mentioned software for making the overall structure more trusted and robust. This helps the company to maintain and secure data of the drivers as well as customers. Accounting: this step helps in bring the accounting services in a hands-on manner because of the implementation of accounting structure which automatic by nature. This further assists the company in keeping the right record of accounting of the trip so differentiation is proper charges. This is also part of accountability for handling the invoice of consumer and driver. This also helps in handling scanned documents of a driver. In addition, the customer can know the vehicle and also rank the driver as per the service quality (Shaw Skywalker, 2017). The approach helps in attracting more people to bid on apps which helps in improving the structure. Recommendations It is very crucial to have constant improvement in the systems like accuracy in pick up location which is GPS based services and this requires constant upgradation. This further can be done in an effective manner by placing a name of the place. Wrong interpretation of the address is a common problem in GPS system and it ends up wasting a lot of time with the customers and the driver. The consumer can also anytime contact the driver and help him with location but in many cases, the customer is not permitted to call the driver so that ratings can be maintained by the driver. With the help of Bluetooth or broadband connection, services can be enhanced and the possible detection of location for the driver. It is important to have detailed knowledge so that drive will find out the right location in right manner. right information helps in detecting the right location and reduction in wastage of time. This will further help the driver to recognize the location over the map in a much easy m anner (Zhang, 2014). Overall improvement of the quality must also be organized from time to time for the driver. The training program, all data for having right rating experience must be provided which also consist of rules that must be followed by the drivers. It is also important to have a completely separate service for aged people, women and infants. In addition, some services of the vehicle must be conserved just for children, aged and women. Safety of the data is very crucial for the company for which it is extremely important that all information is saved in recorded in an encrypted format. This further will ensure that data is safe on the network and also ensure that intruders can be caught at the right time. The system must help the driver by providing them needed advice which in long run will help the company to get more profitable (Zhang, 2014). Following is the detailed discussion of suggestions: The company will have to train the driver to effectively deal with any kind of distraction. It is also important for the company to train the drivers with all possible skills for a safety. The common notion among the drivers is that they are efficient drivers but with all the instructions from a system and attending calls from the customers can easily distract them. It is crucial for the drivers to ensure that they serious about attending all the duties carefully with any unwanted distraction. The best answer to this challenge is to train them with the help of secure course of driving along with all needed instructions to the driver that is important for them to follow. Usually, driver learns about the foundation of it on the job by driving and following all the rules. To ensure that, it is important for the company to provide right kind of training to drivers especially about the rules of the road, maintenance of the taxi and secure course of driving can be part of the process (Hill , 2015). To provide training to the drivers, the company will have to ensure that they are given all the important guidelines along with different cases like to how one can perform general repair tasks, following traffic rules and many more. The right kind of training must be provided to the driver that will ensure the overall safety of consumers along with drivers because there will be some reduction in the overall rate of accidents. Despite age, experience and qualification of the driver, the company must follow strict training practices and all the employees must be part of such operations. Another important advice for the company is to have a structured feedback system from the consumers. This will help them to maintain the services and take the corrective measures wherever required (Green Maximin, 2015). The customers can provide their feedback related to overall experience which can help the organization in analysing the consumers need so that services can be provided to them as per the requirement and will help in recognizing the areas that need more improvement. The feedback from the consumer is not just advantageous for the consumers but also for the drivers since it will help in judging the skills of the drivers and recognizing areas which need some improvement. Learning is a continuous process of driving and in many families, it is one skill which is passed from one generation to other. It is very important for the drivers as a professional to take advice from more experienced drivers. This will assist them to provide best services for the consumers. In addition, the experienced drivers are more comfortable with all the rules and expected behaviour regarding behaviour on the road and this helps new one to gain more understanding of the rules and regulations. To learn skills from the experienced one can be advantageous in different ways since it will help the present set of drivers in increasing the skills. It is also important to note that one crucial feature is to be considered from experienced drivers since they know more about rules and regulation. Also, the driver must take an extra effort to know about different new rules and technological advancement (Yazici, Kamga Singhal, 2013). Conclusion The report discussed in detail about the operations of the company called as Bid Taxi. It is important to understand here that operations are part of the changes as and when business will grow. The common practice in an organization for few people to have more accountabilities and this is why the same is hardly considered as ideal in another which slightly bigger in size. Bid Taxi have to keep in mind that in long run, it is important for business operations to evolve along with the company and this way, glitched in the structure can be identified and corrective measure can be taken. The success of the company or any kind of failure depends heavily on the effectiveness of the operations (Yazici et al, 2013). The important question here is that what is the motive for such processes. It also covers stakeholder's expectation from an ideal plan and right steps. This can help in increasing the value of the company and this can be done by making the profit. The overall value enhances is im pacted by how well an organization can perform as far as finances are concerned. Bid Taxi will also have to understand that an organization can manage profit into continuous over a period of time because of which value increases in an exponential manner. Reference Green, D. E., Maximin, S. (2015). 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A Web-based Platform for Visualizing Spatiotemporal Dynamics of Big Taxi Data.International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing Spatial Information Sciences,42. Yazici, M. A., Kamga, C., Singhal, A. (2013, October). A big data driven model for taxi drivers' airport pick-up decisions in new york city. InBig Data, 2013 IEEE International Conference on(pp. 37-44). IEEE. Zhang, D. (2014). Shanghais Unlicensed Taxis (Hei Che) as Informal Urban Street Market.Informal Urban Street Markets: International Perspectives,40, 158.